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Dilruba   ....the Heart Stealer


I came to across this instrument in India.

When I saw it, I just could not resist to take it with me.

I could guess it would be a musical instrument, but I did not know what it is, and how to play.


I showed the instrument to Indian friends around me asking if they know what it is.... but nobody knows.


So I started to play with it by myself. At the beginning, I put it on the floor and playing it with my finger.

One day, I found a bow in the case of the instrument.  ''a ha ! This should be played with the bow !'' 


And after long time, now I'm playing this instrument  for meditation. by the way the name of the instrument is ''Dilruba'', it means ''Heart Stealer''.


Diruba has such a profound sounds in the small body. Once you hear it, you will just say ''wow''.

Dilruba can create pool of resonance in the room and can support meditation to happen. 


So if you have a chance, come to listen to it.

Sounds to Silenc

   ...the art of listening



When you listen to music, how do you listen ?


Probably you listen to the melody.... following the sounds, right ?


Let us do one experiment.


Now, close your eyes, and listen to the sounds around you. You might hear somebody talking...  foot barking... air planes.... computers... you are following the sounds.

Stop following them now, relax and let the sounds come to you...

You are here and you RECEIVE the sounds.


How do you feel ? Do you find the difference ?


This is the simple technique to sift our awareness FROM sounds TO silence, which is omnipresent. Once you get knack of it, you can be in the silence even in the crowds.



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