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Would you like to refresh your life ?


Then let me support you :)

I share groups for OSHO Active meditations, OSHO meditative therapies and Awareness Intensive.

I share ''Sounds to Silence'', which is a meditation technique using Indain classical instrument ''Dilruba''

I share "Voice Awareness Journey", which is a playful way to discover oneself and universe.

I share individual sessions of variety of body works and Awareness technique.

I'm sure some of them will fit you.


OSHO Active Meditations

"meditation" and "active", They don't sound like coming together, right ?  That is the secret of OSHO's woks. 


Click HERE and read more about OSHO Active Meditations



Awareness Intensive

Awareness Intensive is based on Zen tradition, combined with modern communication technique.


Forget all about outside, bring all the energy inward, sharpen your awareness like a Japanese sward and suddenly the moment comes.......the moment of experiencing who you really are.


it is happening at OIMR in India every month

find detail  HERE 

click HERE to read more about Awareness Intensive

Sounds to Silence

...the art of listening

with Dilruba

When you listen to music, what do you listen to ?


''Sounds to Silence'' is the simple technique to sift your awareness FROM the sounds TO silence, which is omnipresent. Once you get knack of it, you can feel the silence even in the crowds.


I like to play Indian classical instrument ''Dilruba'' to experience the silence.


Why ?

Because it creates magical sounds to make us aware of the silence between the sounds, in a natural way.


click HERE to read more

OSHO Meditative Therapies

yummy.....yummy..... I LOVE all the OSHO Meditative Therapies.

They are so pure, so natural, and so profound.

OSHO Meditative Therapies work energetically, by-passing analytic mind. It is meditation and healing happens by !

Now I know, it is meditation that is why healing happens.  I mean, real healing......healing of our soul.

I feel so lucky to know them, experience them and share them :)


it is happening at OIMR in India every month

find ditail HERE


click HERE to read more


Voice Awareness Journey

Your feet, your shoulders, your hands and your belly.. they has their own unique energy at moment to moment.

Let us give our voices to them, and let us explore our inner journey through the voices.

click HERE to read more

Individual sessions

Body work ( Maharani Massage ).... loving touch with awareness will bring you back to THIS present where to go, nothing to change, simply relax into just the way you are right now.

Facial Harmony Balancing......soft touch on your face allows letting-go of your mask, the accumulated tensions 

of your face.

Voice Awareness...... using voice as a tool to connect your body.


Meditation..... let us find out which meditation technique is for you.

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